40) Against globalisation

Or rather against the current version, which is a major come-down from the original United Nations ideals.  (Which included jobs, health and education for all as well as legal safeguards.)

The Mixed Economy Won the Cold War.  How the West was tricked into mistrusting its highly successful Mixed Economy system.  How the Baby Boomers were sold ‘Imaginary Capitalism’ as the answer to their dreams of Freedom.  How it failed overall, but allowed the rich to gain a lot more than their fair share. How the Soviet Union made vast economic gains under Stalin.  And was doing OK up until the 1970s.

Degraded Globalisation.  What’s wrong with Neo-Liberalism, the dominant economics since the 1980s.

The Left Redefined ‘The Normal’.  The current Globalisers assume it would have existed anyway, and blame the left for the cost of these successful policies.

Thatcher struck at the roots of Britishness.  This is not how she saw it, of course. She genuinely believed that she was removing an excrescence on True Britishness. If the monstrous accumulations of the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were swept aside, things would get “back to normal”.  But that was not what happened.

The Internet as Secret Policeman’s Friend.  How internet links make it remarkably easy to trace a network of dissidents, including those who have not posted.

Business Success a Mix of Skill and Luck.  A review of Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell.  Including some examples of my own of the mixed causes.

Why ‘The Individual’ is a muddled idea.  (From one viewpoint, the ‘average individual’ is a bronze-skinned hermaphrodite less than 5 feet tall. That comes from taking your abstractions a few degrees too far. )

Market-Dominating Minorities Across the World.  Jews in Europe as just one example of a global pattern.  Amy Chau’s World on Fire starts from her origins among the highly successful and often targeted Chinese minority in South-East Asia, and shows the common factors.

The World as a Global Night-Club.  Written in connection with the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.  But making the general point that ‘global society’ is much more like a night-club than a village.  People can see each other but mostly do not know each other.

How the British Empire Blighted Britain.  Large parts of the British Isles have lost population since the 19th century, while wealth flows to London as a Global City.

Yeltsin’s Final Election and the Near-Return of the Russian Communists.  The situation in 1996, when support for pro-Western elements was already collapsing.  The situation which led to the rise of Putin.

Why the Web never evaded government control.  (An article published in 2000, when almost everyone believed it was impossible to regulate or restrict.)

How Roosevelt’s New Deal Saved the West.  And what he said about parasitic finance.

Anti-Globalisation in 2001.  Why the main protestors were “rebels without a clue”.  Mostly brave and well-intentioned, but doomed to fail.

Remixing the Mixed Economy.   A review of Ha-Joon Chang’s 23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism.

The Unnatural Nature of Commerce.  Far from arising from human nature, it is a gross distortion of humanity’s core identity.

The Radical Rightists of 1979.  A review of Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century, by Christian Caryl.

Yankee-Global Went To Prague.  The protests in 1999 and 2000 against globalisation.  Money and Gun-Power as the core of the system.

Ireland and SubAmericanisation.  The history of the Anglosphere, including English domination of Ireland.  And the reasons the British Empire fell.

Photos I have taken

Against the Iraq War, the big London demonstration and some later marches.

Also marching in Peterbrough, where I used to live.  And several sets of photos of the recession in Peterborough, North and South and Central and the Queensgate Shopping Centre.

Also some jokes of a political nature.  And a glimpse of the short-lived occupation of a site next to Saint Paul’s Cathederal, plus the 2011 March for the Alternative.

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